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Help Us Rescue More Children

Together We Can Bring a Trafficked Child Home.


The expenses of each child recovery operation are as unique as the respective circumstances, necessary expertise and the demands of the mission. On average, Valor Rescue operations in the field do not exceed 10 days. The ability to recovery a child at this rate depends on the success of critical research and analysis beforehand.


Valor Rescue is currently working on DOZENS of open cases of abducted or missing children. Valor Rescue provides all-encompassing child recovery services at NO COST to the custodial guardians and with NO SALARY to its operators. Recovery operations are funded entirely by private donations.

Valor Rescue’s sense of urgency rests in the fact that trafficked and abducted American children who are not rescued literally die each day at the hands of their exploiters. This horrific situation is one that no child should have to endure, the threat of death…rape…mental abuse, the fear of being abandoned, and the perception that no one cares.

All funds are applied directly to operational expenses for rescue missions. Your donations to ARC allow us to go into the most dangerous regions, where no other organizations or government entities will go, and pull children out of their dire situation. Every American child should know that we are prepared to lay down our lives to save them. Each minute, each hour, each day without rescue is a day a child suffers. Together, we can make a difference and bring them home.


Rescue Mission Budget Includes


The preparatory work that leads to the location and successful recovery of a child varies in cost, particularly when an abductor is moving the child from one location to another.


Travel and hotel costs are some of the biggest expenses of ARC’s operations. Valor Rescue’s rescue team must travel to the location of the missing child, which may be in the US or anywhere in the world. Once the child is recovered, the team must return and safely transport the child to rejoin their custodial parent(s) at home in the US. Some trafficked children may require transportation to a safe house or rehabilitation program. Various such programs are spread across the US.

Valor Rescue’s ability to use DONATED AIRLINE MILES and HOTEL POINTS would dramatically increase the number of children we could rescue each year. Donated miles and points would directly aid in saving these children from prolonged abuse and exploitation and would literally bring them home to their custodial parents.

An additional need would be for the Valor Rescue team, the child/children and custodial guardian(s) to be given priority in acquiring airline seats and hotel rooms instead of being placed on standby or a wait list. Because of the urgency of getting to the location of a missing child and securing their rapid extraction, wait times could greatly compromise the safety of Valor Rescue’s team, the child and guardian.


Although foreign counterparts are eager to assist with Valor Rescue operations, occasionally some foreign entities see an opportunity for profit, an unfortunate demand that can increase the cost for an international recovery operation.


  • Investigations
  • Communications
  • Rescue Operations
  • Custodial Parent Support>
  • Field Operations, US and Abroad
  • Operation Support Services
  • Travel
  • International Network
  • Training
  • Management and Administration
  • Community Outreach
  • Systems and Software
  • Office Lease and Expenses
  • Cyber Security

You can clearly see why we need your support!

We need you now

All donations go directly to rescue children.  All amounts are appreciated!

We need your partnership

Why We Succeed

Valor Rescue’s methodology is proven to be more effective than current local, state, federal and international investigative procedures. Our experienced agents are sensitive to the handling of the most advanced intelligence-gathering programs. Our services include the use of innovative, proven techniques and legal and ethical methods designed to identify the perpetrator(s) and their whereabouts in relation to the safe recovery of the victim.